
Citizen of Cicely
Featured Extra

You will provide your own transportation to/from Seattle and your housing in Seattle for a minimum 4 day window while we are shooting Home Again. We will coordinate your transportation on our regular shuttles running to/from Roslyn and you will be on-camera as a featured extra in at least one scene of the show. Our talent coordinator will meet with you in Seattle and determine your character, and you will be costumed accordingly. We expect to be shooting in the November-December 2016 timeframe, but that may change so be flexible.

The original perk sold out at $1500.  We had many requests to open more slots, and after reviewing the extra costs for 5 more extras (Staff & Shuttles) we decided we could make 5 more work at $1990.

Alternate Perk

If we are not able to produce the show, we will coordinate with a "green screen" production company nearest your location. One of our writers will contact you and together you will create a "back-story" for your character in Cicely. You will be costumed for the green-screen shoot and you will tell your story to the camera. The footage will be sent to us and we will "green screen" you into a background from the city of Cicely (Roslyn). You will be included in the documentary titled "Almost Home Again" with behind-the-scenes footage of cast and crew as they negotiate the pathway and engage their efforts to produce Home Again. The documentary will be at least one hour long with at least another hour of "special features". Your footage will be included as a "special feature" called Citizens of Cicely, and will be sent to you on DVD/BLU-RAY.

No Delivery Necessary
Anticipated for November-December 2016

We use Paypal to securely process credit card transactions. 
You do not need to be a member of Paypal to use your credit card.